A New Rhythm #2

October 4, 2015


Once again the pundit pulls back and gives us a glimpse of a life worth living. This time he focuses, not on the rhythm of earthly life, but on our relationship with God. He is pointing out here that how we relate to God matters. We were created in a very specific order; when sin broke that order, it did not separate us from God as much as it changed our relationship with Him. He was still there, we could just no longer be in His presence with the ease and comfort that existed before. The relationship between God and His creation had gotten heavy. Until we are remade in glory, we remain in this relationally complicated reality as we are relearning to be the worshippers we were created to be. God has given us direction for how to approach Him, how to relate to Him, and even warnings to not take Him lightly. All of this is His grace, revealing to us how we are rescued from the vanity of this life through our fear of Him.

Bible References

  • Ecclesiastes 5:1 - 7
Communion Church meets Sundays at 10a