Healing as Proof

May 19, 2014


Immediately after preaching the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus begins to display his saving and healing power as miraculous proofs of his identity as the Son of God. In three examples we see both Jesus power and compassion. With authoritative words Jesus is able to cure the incurable disease of leprosy of a man who came near to him in the crowd and heals the paralyzed servant of a Roman solider without even seeing him. With his touch, Jesus instantly relieves the fever of Peter’s mother-in-law and restores her to full strength. Jesus showed compassion for who came to him, those who were unable to come to him, and those who he saw that needed healing. In each case Jesus was willing and worked quickly to end suffering. In holding up the centurion’s faith as an example and extending healing to his servant Jesus is clear his mission will not be limited to the nation of Israel but will extend from the east to the west.

Bible References

  • Matthew 8:1 - 17


Communion Church meets Sundays at 10a