Marriage and the Kingdom

February 8, 2015


Therefore a man shall leave his father and his mother and hold fast to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh V. 5

After a time of teaching, Jesus moves away from the crowds at Galilee … so the crowds follow him. Among the crowd are the Pharisees who seek to trap Jesus in a contradictory interpretation of the Law of Moses – they ask him about divorce. Deuteronomy 24 permits divorce in cases when a husband has ‘found some indecency” in his wife. In the many years that passed since the time of Moses, the Jews had completely distorted this aspect of the law to the point that it was socially acceptable for a man to divorce his wife for something as trivial as a poorly-cooked meal. As is usually the case, distortion of God’s law brings about abuse, pain, and affliction. Marriage was created by God for our good, but it was also created to reflect the elective, intimate, and everlasting union of God with His Church. In today’s average home, the institution of marriage is badly broken. As builders of God’s Kingdom on earth, we are called to something different … something better.

Bible References

  • Matthew 19:1 - 12
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