The Apostles are Comforted

July 7, 2014


It is easy to be overcome by what is right in front of you. When we focus on what is right in front of us, we can easily miss out on the truth. In this twisted world, the truth is always buried under a few feet of irony, sarcasm, and lies. The encouragement that Jesus gives to His disciples is that what they can’t always see; the truth that stays hidden, is on their side. While the tide often seems against us, and God seems to be losing this battle or that one, the truth is, he is securely in control of the world, down to the hairs on our heads. We can handle the gospel fearlessly, because there is nothing that can be done to take away the only thing that really matters: our relationship to God. One day, it will all be revealed, and what is right before us will be the TRUTH.

Bible References

  • Matthew 10:26 - 33
Communion Church meets Sundays at 10a