[youtube id=”VVUu7PvW7T8″]
** EDIT ** To make the bar movable (I was having issues getting it to move in the video), draw it on a unique layer. This layer is movable on its own, just be sure to make the layer UNDER any text layers by moving it in the order within the “layer” box. To create a layer click the “layer” button just to the left of the trash can inside the “layer” box on the right hand column. There is lots more to this little free editor, but this video and the simple design principles will help to get you started. If you have your own design generator that you are more comfortable with, feel free to use it and apply the design ideas here. Basic slide info and design guidelines are below.
Free Photo Resource // Pixabay
Size of Proclaim Slide: 1600 x 900
Size of Website Player Slide: 942 x 345
Stick to 1 – 2 fonts. If 1 font, stay within versions of that family. If 2 fonts, make sure they differ in style enough, e.g. script font with a sans serif font.
Pick simple images and use colors within these images.
As you become more proficient in this free program, there are other options, such as reducing the opacity of your color bar, rotating the bar to be as a diagonal tab, using multiple bars to communicate separate details. As with all design, KEEP IT SIMPLE. LESS IS MORE. And the best image communicates with the fewest details possible. Use other resources, like the bulletin and website for the bulk of info.
[youtube id=”wKsHiHlJju4″]
Don’t forget to link all images to correct event/location.
Make sure all internal links go where you want them to.
Keep with the existing styling as much as possible for a consistent look for readers. They know where to find info, new info can be highlighted, rather than distracted from by a design redo. Best to always KEEP IT SIMPLE. Remember that LESS IS MORE. Folks don’t want to read more than a couple lines per event. Make links clear and separated and access to info/sign ups as easy as possible.
Use existing template items by copying.
[youtube id=”tbJD9Xz17oo”]
Bulletin INSIDE Template // Interior LEFT SIDE jpg Image, in case the pdf format isn’t friendly for your word processor. Use this image on the left hand side and reference ‘FONT Page’ for all additional interior details.
Bulletin FONT Page // Use this to layout the right-hand side of the interior of the bulletin. Use this to reference corresponding cover date/sermon title & reference info.
Make sure you have the who, what, where, when, how.
Make sure front date and sermon title and reference is correct.
Make sure all names and addresses are correct.
Make sure final pdfs are saved to 11 x 8.5 size.
Communion Church maintains an account at Skagit Business & Staffing in downtown Mount Vernon for all our printing needs. Their hours and info are posted on their website. Be sure to allow a few hours for bulletin printing. Plan to pick bulletins up, or have someone else pick them up, by end of biz day Friday.
Email: [email protected]
These are listed by date.
By clicking on the dark grey color under ‘customize your player’
Select all the coding in the ‘Widget Code’ box
Get on site. Go to the corresponding sermon page. Edit page. Make sure you are in ‘text’ mode NOT ‘visual’ mode (there is a little file-looking tab just on the upper right of the content area) under the line (the separating line coding is: <hr />) put the ‘widget code’ for the player. And tada!
Use the sermon series booklet to make sure passage and sermon title match.
Use the booklet to add sermon detail. Cut and paste is easiest in ‘Text’ mode. Paste then edit to fit in ‘Visual’ mode. Make any included scripture passage a quote by highlighting and selecting the ” button. Add a separating line — coding <hr />. After line put a Sermon Audio Place Setter — e.g. [Insert Audio Here].
In the right hand column, enter the speaker, click the series box. Then add the Bible References in the area under the main body. Scroll down to see this area.
Click ‘Edit’ next to ‘Publish Immediately’ and select the date and hour you would like this page to be live. Best practice is AFTER the Media Ministry will have had time to load audio to the Sermon page. (Instructions Above) Click ‘Ok’. Click ‘Schedule’.
Make sure that with every sermon you load, the archive page links back to it. The other thing to double check is that the archive page sermon name and passage still matches the sermon preached.
Go to the sermon on the list, check that its name and passage match, highlight sermon name, link to sermon url. Sermon url is located at the top of each sermon’s individual page.
BEST PRACTICE: When loading the sermon pages (above) and scheduling, best to do several at a time, copy and paste each url onto an empty word processing page, then you can pull these links in more easily to the archived page without having to toggle back and forth and loose track of your whether you copied correctly or not.
NOTE! There is a stand alone archive page for any sermon that is recorded outside of a series. It is called Stand Alone Sermons