Have a something we can pray for? Use this form to send the Men’s Prayer Group a prayer request. For privacy, feel free to leave out names or specifics you’re not comfortable sharing. This form is sent to [email protected] and will be received by Men’s Lead, Aaron Swaney.
[contact-form to=”[email protected]” subject=”MEN’S MINISTRY: prayer request”][contact-field label=”Name” type=”name”][contact-field label=”Is this an anonymous request?” type=”checkbox-multiple” options=”Yes,No”][contact-field label=”Email” type=”email”][contact-field label=”Would you like to be added to the Men’s Payer Email? If yes, be sure to include your email above.” type=”checkbox-multiple” options=”Yes,No”][contact-field label=”What can we pray for?” type=”textarea” required=”1″][contact-field label=”Is it ok to share this request with the prayer group? For privacy, feel free to leave out names or specifics you’re not comfortable sharing.” type=”checkbox-multiple” required=”1″ options=”Yes,No”][/contact-form]