Be a steward // Build a legacy

October 12, 2015


The pundit once again spends time pointing to the inevitable letdown of placing your hopes in the work of your hands or the accumulation of wealth. This time, however, he gives an alternative to both indulgence and abstinence. He tells us to view the things of this world as ‘gifts from God.’ Specifically, he is calling us to view the things of this world as a means to worship God. The way to do this is to enjoy God through His creation. In finding our enjoyment in Him, we actually tap into a level of contentment that we miss out on otherwise. Since we were not created to be self-directed, worshipping God through our enjoyment of Him allows us to get as we give. In all of this, we end up producing a faithful witness to those around us.

Bible References

  • Ecclesiastes 5:8 - 6:12
Communion Church meets Sundays at 10a