Matthew 24.3-14

But the one who endures to the end will be saved.And this gospel of the kingdom will be proclaimed throughout the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come. 24.13-14

False prophets, some even claiming to be the Savior, international conflict, violent persecution of Christians, natural and economic disasters will constantly be present in our world between Jesus’ resurrection and his promised return, final judgement, and eternal kingdom. The presence of these things should not be welcomed or hopelessly feared; neither should they be used to determine the time or proximity of Christ’s return in history. Jesus is clear “the end is not yet.” While the disciples desire certainty surrounding the timing of Jesus return, Jesus desires the disciples to have certainty on the nature of their mission; to proclaim the Gospel of the Kingdom of God throughout all the nations of the world. Jesus knows having a clear “end date” could easily lead his disciples to grow lax in their duty and mission.  Jesus does not want us concerned with when he is returning. We are to have hope and peace he is returning and we should concern ourselves with his mission until he does.

  1. What part of the text or sermon had the greatest impact on you? Where were you most encouraged, intrigued, challenged?
  2. How can the increase of “lawlessness” in our world lead the love of many to grow cold?  How can a call to endurance during great trials and suffering actually lead to hope?
  3. What comprehensive task will be completed before the end comes? What has God called the church and individual Christian’s role to be in bringing this to fruition?
  4. Read John 20:19-22. How does Jesus encourage fearful disciples? How does Holy Spirit fueled worship lead disciples from fear to mission?
  5. How can fascination and preoccupation with “the end” keep us from being engaged with the work and call Jesus has for our lives in the present?