Rather, speaking the truth in love, we are to grow up in every way into him who is the head, into Christ, from whom the whole body, joined and held together by every joint with which it is equipped, when each part is working properly, makes the body grow so that it builds itself up in love. | Ephesians 4.15-16

Ephesians 4 gives us the Christian bumper sticker phrase: speak the truth in love. While I obviously agree with this, context matters. This isn’t a call to make the truth subordinate to love, or to try to convince others that your truth bombs are really your way of loving them. This is a command attached to a specific people towards a specific goal.

Just before this, Paul lays out God’s work to bring His truth to the world, by the Spirit, through: the apostles, the prophets, the evangelists, the shepherds and teachers. These people are all tasked with: equipping the saints for the work of ministry. This equipping is done so that the people of God can grow into maturity.

When we talk about speaking the truth in love, we are referring to the conversations that happen between the people of God, united together in Christ, working together toward being conformed to the likeness of Jesus. The truth is the means by which God is shaping us. His truth is what brings us shame and hope, causing us to see our need for Him and reminding us of what He has promised us. We are talking about the work of the church community to speak truth because they love one another; and to receive truth from others because they are loved.

The church must be a place where fear, shame, disappointment don’t keep us from doing what we are called to. Not using the tools God gave us for growth is the means by which we deny Christ in our lives. We may not verbally reject Him, but being unwilling to do what He has called us to is denying His ability to sanctify us through truth spoken in love.

I ended Sunday with 5 practical ways we must do this (listed below). Look at the community God has placed you in and ask yourself: am I taking advantage of the means of growth provided or a I denying Jesus in my apathy?

  1. Being honest about the seriousness of sin (in us and others)

  2. Being empathetic and gentle with the struggle of others

  3. Calling out the truth of sin as God reveals it to us (speaking into the lives of others)

  4. Being honest about our own shame

  5. Speaking hope where there is shame