I am excited to announce that Roots Church, our Stanwood church plant, will begin public worship services April 23. This means that we are moving to a weekly worship service format with the preached Word and corporate worship. Here’s what else you need to know:

  • When: We will gather every Sunday @ 5 p.m.
  • Where: Services will be held at Stanwood United Methodist Church (behind Sahara Pizza and the Floyd Norgaard Center).
  • Kids: Starting out, the Rootlets kids program will be available during the service for ages 0-6.
  • Sermon series: Our first sermon series will be from 2 Peter and will be titled “Steady: Unshakable faith in a turbulent world.”
  • Four ways you can help:
    1. Plan on worshiping and celebrating with us at our first service on Sunday, April 23.
    2. Help us get out the word by telling others and/or sharing this post.
    3. Volunteer to serve in one of the following areas: hospitality, kids, music, or A/V.
    4. Pray for us. That God would show his glory, presence, goodness, and power to and through us as we plant this church.

The mission of Roots Church is to grow a community of people who are learning to root their lives deeply in the grace of God in Jesus Christ, and we are excited to take this step forward in that process. We hope you’ll come see what we’re all about.