While he was still a young man, Jonathan Edwards penned a list of resolutions for his life. As he went along, he added to it and by the end of his life he had created a list of 70 goals for his life. As we enter a new year, I want to put these in front of you (10 at a time) for reflection and as an example of what a passionate dedication to Jesus looks like, and in the case of Edwards, what such discipline can create.

  1. Resolved:  When I think of any theological question to be resolved, I will immediately do whatever I can to solve it, … if circumstances don’t hinder.
  2. Resolved: If I find myself taking delight in any gratification of pride or vanity, or on any other such empty virtue, I will immediately discard this gratification.
  3. Resolved: To be endeavoring to discover worthy objects of charity and liberality.
  4. Resolved: Never to do anything out of revenge.
  5. Resolved: Never to suffer the least emotions of anger about irrational beings.
  6. Resolved: Never to speak evil of anyone, except if it is necessary for some real good.
  7. Resolved: I will live in such a way, as I will wish I had done when I come to die.
  8. Resolved: To live, at all times, in those ways I think are best in me during my most spiritual moments and seasons – those times when I have clearest understanding of the gospel and awareness of the World that is to come.
  9. Resolved: Never to do anything, which I would be afraid to do if I expected it would not be more than an hour before I would hear the last trump sound.  (i.e. when Jesus returns.)
  10. Resolved: To maintain the wisest and healthiest practices in my eating and drinking.