Oh give thanks to the LORD; call upon his name;

               make known his deeds among the peoples!

Sing to him, sing praises to him;

               tell of all his wondrous works!

Glory in his holy name;

               let the hearts of those who seek the LORD rejoice!

Seek the LORD and his strength;

               seek his presence continually! | Psalm 105:1–4

For the remainder of the time that we are not meeting as the gathered church, we will be putting out daily lessons for Family Worship. I wrote on this discipline and why it is important at all times, but especially as regular rhythms have been altered. Use social-distancing to teach your kids about the God who is bigger than any societal threat.

All of the lessons we will do are about about God.  It is also about people, and about everything we see all around us.  But it is about God most of all.

It is about God most of all because He is very important.  We must know about Him, because we need Him.

Did you ever see a baby reach out its arms for Mother?  A baby needs its mother.  It wants Mother’s love.  It needs Mother’s care.  So our hearts reach out to God.  We want Him to love us.  We need Him to take care of us.

Did you ever look up at the sky, to see how big it is?  The world all around us is very big, too.  And we are small.  Even grown-up people are small.  Grown-ups and children——we all need God.

There is a little voice in our hearts that asks for God.  And that little voice tells us that there is a God.

But we cannot see God.  We can look and look.  We can hunt everywhere.  We cannot see God.

Some people, when they watch the sun rise in the morning, think the sun is God.  They watch the sun go higher and higher in the sky.  The sun gives light.  The sun makes us warm.  The sun makes all green things grow.  And so these people say, “The sun is our god.”  And they pray to the sun.

But the sun is not a god.  The sun cannot hear them when they pray.

Some people think that the stars are gods.  The stars are so pretty and so wonderful, up in the sky at night!  These people pray to the stars.  But the stars cannot hear them when they pray.  The stars cannot help them when they need something.

Long ago people made gods.  They made idol gods of wood or stone, or of gold or silver.  They prayed to these idol gods.  But these idol gods could not hear them or help them.  Even today, in faraway lands, there are people who pray to idols.  They have never heard about the true God.

Some people say, “There is no God.”  They do not pray at all!  But deep down in their hearts there is that little voice that says, “Yes, there is a God.”

If we cannot see God, how can we know God?  He is very important.  We need Him.  And so we want to know Him.

This book will help us to find God and to know Him.  It will help us to learn about God.  We will learn how great and wonderful He is.  We will learn how He takes care of us.  And we will learn how to love Him and live close to Him even though we cannot see Him.

Something to Talk About:

  1. What does the voice deep down in our hearts tell us?
  2. Why cannot the sun and the stars be our gods? Why do people love created things rather than the Creator?
  3. Why do we need God?

Bible Memory:

Draw near to God, and he will draw near to you. | James 4:8

Coloring Sheet