Having purified your souls by your obedience to the truth for a sincere brotherly love, love one another earnestly from a pure heart, since you have been born again, not of perishable seed but of imperishable, through the living and abiding word of God; for

 “All flesh is like grass
and all its glory like the flower of grass.
The grass withers,
and the flower falls,
but the word of the Lord remains forever.”

And this word is the good news that was preached to you. | 1 Peter 1:22–25

We talk to God when we pray to Him.  We close our eyes.  We think about God.  And then we talk to Him.  And we know that He hears us.

But does God talk to us?  Can we hear Him?

Long ago He talked to little Samuel.  He talked to many others.  But does He talk to you and to me?

Yes, He does talk to us.  He talks to us in several ways.  He talks to us through His book most of all. When God talked to men long ago, He told them to write down His words.  He told them to write His words in a book.  They made a big book.  We call this book the Bible.  The Bible is God’s Word.

God took care of the Bible.  Though it was written many, many years ago, we can read it today.  He took care of it because He wanted to talk to you and me through the Bible. When we read the Bible, God is talking to us. When the pastor reads the Bible to us, God is talking to us. When Dad and Mom read the Bible to us, God is talking to us. When our teachers read the Bible to us, and tell us the Bible stories, God is talking to us.

There are many, many books in the world.  The Bible is the most wonderful of them all.  The Bible, the whole Bible, is God talking to us. We love the Bible because it is God’s Word. We take care of our Bibles. We read our Bibles often, because we want to know what God says to us.

Sometimes when we read the Bible, it seems like it is just a bunch of words, but these words are living. It is easy to just read the words, but if we listen to them as God speaking to us, they cut to our hearts. The Bible is much more than just a book, it is how God chooses to talk to us…we need to listen.

God talked to us in a very special way when He sent Jesus, His Son, to live on earth.  Many of the things that Jesus said are also in the Bible.

And God talks to us when His Spirit whispers in our hearts.  Sometimes the Spirit whispers to tell us not to be naughty.  Sometimes the Spirit whispers when we are praying, to tell us that God hears us.

Even though we do not hear the voice of God with our ears, as Samuel did, God does talk to us.  He talks to us in many ways.

Something to talk about:

  1. How do we talk to God?
  2. In what book does God talk to us?
  3. Who wrote this book?
  4. Why is the Bible the most wonderful of all books?

Bible Memory:

I have stored up your word in my heart, that I might not sin against you. | Psalm 119:11

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