Praise the LORD!

Praise God in his sanctuary;
praise him in his mighty heavens!
Praise him for his mighty deeds;
praise him according to his excellent greatness!

Praise him with trumpet sound;
praise him with lute and harp!
Praise him with tambourine and dance;
praise him with strings and pipe!

Praise him with sounding cymbals;
praise him with loud clashing cymbals!
Let everything that has breath praise the LORD

Praise the LORD! | Psalm 150

Why did God make us?

God did not make us because He was lonely. God is never lonely.

God made us because He wanted to.  He made us for His praise.  He made the beautiful earth for people to live in – people who would be like Him.  He wanted them to be happy and to praise Him because He is very great and very good.

God’s work of creation was wonderful. Everything He made was beautiful and good. All His works praised Him. How did everything praise God? The things God made praised Him by showing how great He is, and by telling how great He is, and by being happy and good.

The stars praise God when they shine and twinkle in the sky at night. He holds them up there!  They show how great He is. The sun and moon tell us that He is a God of brightness and glory, high and holy.

The birds sing about Him.  They tell us that He is a God of joy and happiness.  They care for their young and so they show us how He cares for us. The wind blows hard, and the waves of the big ocean splash high.  They tell us that God is strong and powerful.

The trees and the flowers, the butterflies and the ants, the big giraffe and the fierce lion, the pattering raindrops and the soft white snowflakes – all of these show us how wonderful God is.  So they all praise Him.  That is why God made them all, so that they would praise Him.

We see all that God has made, and we say, “What a great God He is!”  We say to Him, “How great Thou art!”  We can praise Him much better than the animals and the flowers and the stars can.  We can know Him and love Him.  We look at all the things He has made, and our hearts sing: “How great thou art!” We praise God when we sing songs to Him.

We praise Him when we thank Him for all the good things He has made for us, and when we are happy with His good gifts. We praise Him when we pray to Him, when we tell Him that we love Him, and that we need Him.

We praise Him when we obey Him and try to do His will.

And we can never, never praise Him enough.  He is so great and good.

Something to talk about:

  1. How do the birds praise God?
  2. How do the flowers praise Him?
  3. Why can we praise Him best?

Memory Verse:

Let heaven and earth praise him, the seas and everything that moves in them. | Psalm 69:34

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