Above all, keep loving one another earnestly, since love covers a multitude of sins. Show hospitality to one another without grumbling. As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God’s varied grace: whoever speaks, as one who speaks oracles of God; whoever serves, as one who serves by the strength that God supplies—in order that in everything God may be glorified through Jesus Christ. To him belong glory and dominion forever and ever. Amen. | 1 Peter 4:8–11

The government has begun sending out checks related to the stimulus package that was approved last month. While this is not a political statement, I believe that calling it a stimulus check is less than helpful for how we think about spending it. The last time the government stimulated the economy (in 2009) the situation was much different. The housing crises and ensuing stock market dive had limited people’s liquid assets (equity in home and value in stocks) and created a timidity toward spending. The stimulus checks were a way to pump some money into the economy to rebuild consumer confidence and get the whole machine rolling again.

This time around, the checks are coming in response to massive unemployment and the shutting down of whole industries. This is not a problem that can be turned around by an influx of cash. I am not saying that the checks are unnecessary, they are just going to have limited success. This is partially because our government has to act fast, which limits their ability to get the money to where it is truly needed.

Some people have jobs that are pandemic-proof. If you have been deemed essential, you can still go to work, still collect your paycheck, and still pay your bills. For others, the stay-at-home order has eliminated income. It has created a lack of assurance for what is next; bills still need to be paid.

This is where the church comes in. God has brought together the people of Communion Church for such a time as this. While the government can not make sure the money gets to the need, we can. In Acts 2.42-45, we see a description of the early church:

And they devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and the prayers. And awe came upon every soul, and many wonders and signs were being done through the apostles. And all who believed were together and had all things in common. And they were selling their possessions and belongings and distributing the proceeds to all, as any had need.

They worshipped, they devoted themselves to teaching, to prayer, and TO EACH OTHER. As a family, they were concerned for the welfare of all. This sort of benevolence is always an important part of the church, but it is accentuated at times like this. Some in the church are having the rug pulled out from underneath them, while others are facing almost no financial loss. Some are in a position of need, others are in a position of receiving money they don’t ‘need.’ This brings up the issue of stewardship. God gives to us and we use what He gives appropriately. We are called to use what we have been given to serve the greater good, which has implications beyond the immediate church family.

Before you simply spend or save that ‘stimulus’ check, may I suggest a few ways to redirect that money to those most in need:


While a cash influx is not going to rescue the economy, you can direct this money to specific local businesses that you would like to help survive this time. The restaurants and small businesses that have chosen to stay open, are struggling to keep employees as they have been forced to alter their business models. Buy gift cards, support their adjusted operations, keep them afloat.


Many of the non-profits had to cancel their fundraisers this year, leaving them short on budget. A great way to direct money to those in need is to give directly to those who serve the needy among us. Three organizations we partner with are:

Family Promise of Skagit County | https://familypromiseskagit.weebly.com/

Pregnancy Choices | https://www.pregnancychoices.org/

Love INC | http://www.skagitloveinc.org/?view=mobile

All three of these are Christian organizations reaching out to those in need and could use support in the coming months as need increases. There are many others, and some you may be personally committed to; invest in their future.


I made a case above for the church to care for the church. This is best done by filling needs as they are seen; members of the church recognizing a need and making sure it is met. Along with this organic work of the church, the elders would like to start a fund to help support families with needs related to the pandemic. If you would like to give to this, please write COVID SUPPORT in the memo line of your check or online gift, we will make sure that it gets to a family in our church who needs it. We already have people who have lost their jobs, others who have are waiting in hopes that their jobs will be there on the other end, and business owners with zero income. If you are receiving a check that is beyond your need, please consider using it to help others weather the storm.

We also need to know who is struggling. If you are in a position where you need support, please email pastor Jim: [email protected].

To be clear, if you have been financially affected, this e-mail is not for you. There are many for whom this money is what you need to carry you through this time. We are also not suggesting that you put all your money into one of these options, giving to all 3 would be great. What we are suggesting is that this is the time to be generous if you can, because many people (who are usually generous) are not in a position to be. Much like the virus itself, the side effects cause great damage to some while others are left unscathed. Just as we are willing to stay at home to support the physical health of those compromised, we believe that it is right to sacrifice for those who are at-risk financially.

We do this, not to prove our faith or earn anything from God, but as simple acts of praise to He who has given us EVERYTHING – in order that in everything God may be glorified through Jesus Christ. To him belong glory and dominion forever and ever. Amen.