If we say we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us. If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. If we say we have not sinned, we make him a liar, and his word is not in us. | 1 John 1:8–10

Are you naughty sometimes? All boys and girls are naughty sometimes.  Even dear little babies are naughty sometimes.  And grown-ups are naughty.

Is it very bad to be naughty? Yes, to be naughty is bad, because it is sin.

Do you know what that means? When we sin, we are not doing what God wants us to do.  God made us.  We belong to Him.  We ought to do just what He tells us to do.  We ought to be just what He wants us to be.  We ought to love God, and obey Him always.  We ought to love Him because He is so wonderful and because He loves us.

When Adam and Eve sinned against God, when they disobeyed Him and ate the fruit He told them not to eat, sin came and spoiled God’s whole beautiful world.  It spoiled Adam and Eve too.  Adam and Eve became sinners.  They let Satan into their hearts and after that they could not obey God they way they should.

When Adam and Eve had children, these children were sinners too.  Every baby was born with sin in his heart.  That is why even a little baby is naughty sometimes.  Isn’t that a sad thing?

When we do what God tells us not to do, that is sin. When we do not do what He wants us to do, that is sin too. We sin against God very much, don’t we?

Many times we do not even want to obey God.  We want to be naughty.

Surely God must have stopped loving Adam and Eve when they sinned against Him?  Surely He cannot love us, since we are all sinners?

God is very good and kind.  He did not stop loving Adam and Eve.  Even when He said that they would have pain and sickness and sorrow and trouble, He loved them.

God took care of Adam and Eve.  And do you remember that He promised them something wonderful?  He promised that someday He would send a Savior who would take away sin.

God does not want boys and girls to be naughty.  But He does not stop loving you when you are naughty.  He does not love the naughty things you do.  He hates sin, but He loves you.  He loves you so much that He sent the promised Savior.  He sent Jesus, His Son, to take away your sin and mine.

We ought to love God very, very much. We ought to love Him so much that we do not want to sin.  He is so good to us!

Something to Talk About:

  1. Which people are sinners?
  2. What was Adam and Eve’s first sin?
  3. When did we become sinners?

Memory Verse:

All we like sheep have gone astray;
we have turned—every one—to his own way;
and the Lord has laid on him
the iniquity of us all.
| Isaiah 53:6

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