You are the Creator. You spoke light, life and matter into existence. You created perfectly. Everything originally functioned harmoniously with you, itself and its surroundings. You created men and women in your image, and they related to you and to each other without fear or shame. Then sin entered the world. Though you did not actively desire that sin exist, you in your unsearchable wisdom ordained that it be, nonetheless. And since then your creation has suffered pain, fear, destruction and death ever since. Our hearts are naturally hard and proud, loving darkness. Yet you continue to create even in this context. You have shown that you can and do give life to the dead and call into existence things that do not exist. You create spiritual hearts of flesh within us where hearts of stone previously existed. Where we once loved only darkness, we now see and rejoice in the light of your gospel. We believe that everything that has happened, and is happening, and will happen is within your sovereign will of decree and will of desire. But we experience the mystery and complexity of this; your will is no simple matter and there are aspects of it that we do not understand. As high as the heavens are above our heads, so is your understanding vastly above ours. So please enable us to trust you, please help us, and please give us what we need. 

Please give wisdom, discernment and prudence to government leaders around the world as they face impacts of the novel coronavirus, along with all the other challenges that already existed in their jurisdictions. Please enable people around the globe to help those in need in their communities. Please enable us to be fair and decent citizens. 

This is a time of much division and discord. People often struggle to communicate with those of differing experiences, perspectives or beliefs. Please enable us to have respectful discourse with our neighbors. Please help us to listen well and to understand. Please protect us from the pride and arrogance of mocking and demeaning others. 

Please help those who have lost income. Please help them as they navigate disrupted dynamics in the homes. 

Please propel your gospel to be preached with words and actions throughout the world during this time. May people be especially receptive to the good news of your gospel in the face of suffering, uncertainty and futility. 

Please be with those living in isolation and loneliness, especially in nursing homes. Please give them hope, comfort and relationship where possible. 

Please protect and provide for those who are in danger in their own homes. 

Please help and protect those who deal with anxiety and depression. 

Please heal and redeem brokenness in marriages and other relationships. In some of these seemingly hopeless situations, we take heart in knowing that you are a God who can call into existence things that do not exist. Please do mighty relational works. 

Please provide for the families who we support as a church body: Drew & Betty Aungst, Chad & Jamie Dimon, Alex & Alaria Eby, Kelly & Trisha Huckaby, Adam & Janelle Lamont, Matt & Carolyn Monson, Grady & Holly Nace, Kevin & Danielle Riley, and Pete & Cheryl Williamson. We thank you for the honor of serving you alongside these families. 

Thank you for doing what it took to save and redeem us. Please sustain us. Thank you for your faithfulness. 

In Jesus’ name,
