God Creates for a Purpose

Worthy are you, our Lord and God,
to receive glory and honor and power,
for you created all things,
and by your will they existed and were created. Revelation 4:11

What is the purpose of life? This question has perplexed philosophers, dignitaries, and bums alike. It is the question that underlies each and every day of human life. Why am I here? How do I find meaning in my existence?

The answers that are often given are less than satisfactory. They are frustrating because they ultimately terminate back on you. Go do this and you will find fulfillment. Get this and you will be complete. Accomplish these things and you will be a success. You can create the purpose for your life. The problem is: you can’t do it. No matter how much you do, get, or accomplish, you will always be left with a desire for more. You will be left with a feeling that you just need one more conquest, asset, or task crossed off the list, to ultimately justify your existence.

But God does not ask us to prove ourselves. He did not put us on earth with the goal of figuring out why we are here. He did not put us here so that we could find our own personal reality. It is BY His will that all things exist, and it is FOR His will that all things happen. The fact that you exist as the person that you are in the place that you are is because He has made it so. Your life is not a mistake or empty vessel that you somehow need to fix or fill with importance.

Your life has a very specific purpose: to give glory and honor and power back to our God, who is worthy of all praise.