A LIGHT bright enough to outshine darkness
In him was life, and the life was the light of men. The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.| John 1.4-5
In order to experience the anticipation of Jesus coming, we have to know the PEACE that comes from being rescued. It is too easy to get used to the darkness; to assume there is no other way. When this happens we run from God as we pursue our own answers to the difficulty of life. Knowing why we are in darkness helps us to see that this is not inevitable. Knowing we have a God who is more powerful, allows us to see another way. As we prepare for the light to enter into the world, we look at our sin as the reason He had to come?
Think about the many areas in your life where you are acting against God. Do they make sense? Why do you do them?
But one day something terrible happened. The lightlings decided to do what they wanted instead of what their King commanded them to do. So they disobeyed the King and sinned against Him. The very moment they sinned, their lights became dim and they were filled with shame and great embarrassment. They ran as fast as they could to get away from the King. They didn’t want the King of Lights to see them. They ran out of the garden and into the woods, and hid themselves in the darkest place they could find. From then on, they were afraid of the light, because they knew that where the light was, the King would see them in their shame.
SONG | Come Thou Long Expected Jesus (song sheet)