You Were Created to Bring Glory to God

Bring my sons from afar and my daughters from the end of the earth,
everyone who is called by my name,
whom I created for my glory,
whom I formed and made. Isaiah 43.6-7

The most frequent description that people give for their lives is ‘busy.’ Looking at a calendar is enough to overwhelm. Life becomes about balancing the many things that are going on. God becomes one more thing on the schedule: an hour on Sunday, with a few scattered blocks throughout the week. In this, God becomes one of the many things that you worship; one of the many things that you give glory to.

But your life is entirely for one thing! You were created for [God’s] glory. It is why you were formed and made. This glory comes through becoming more and more overwhelmed with who God is. Your awe of God is built by being continually in communion with Him and with other Christians.

You commune with God by reading the Bible. God has brought Himself to you by putting His grandeur into words. He speaks to you in a way that you can comprehend (though incompletely) how wonderful He is.

You commune with God in prayer. Prayer is not just telling God what you would like Him to provide for you. Or how you would like Him to use His control over creation to do the things you want. Instead, prayer is the acknowledgement that He alone can and will direct reality. When you pray, you are submitting yourself to the truth that He is God.

You commune with others to be reminded that God is working in and through everyone who is called by [His] name. In others, you are reminded that God is working in ALL things. It is with others that you can explore how ALL parts of your life can be reoriented for God’s glory.

This is the life you were created for. A life that begins with Jesus and views ALL things through the lens of God’s glory. So, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God (1 Corinthians 10.31).