Sin Pollutes Every Aspect of Your Life

For we know that the whole creation has been groaning together in the pains of childbirth until now. And not only the creation, but we ourselves, who have the firstfruits of the Spirit, groan inwardly as we wait eagerly for adoption as sons, the redemption of our bodies. Romans 8.22-23

Your life is not only full of ‘sins,’ it is full of sin. It is easy to reduce the sin in your life down to the things that you do, but doing this takes away the reality of sin’s effect. Sin is terribly affecting every part of your life, and making even the good things bad.

If you reduce your problem to ‘sins,’ than all you have to do is overcome the things that you do. It is just a matter of reorganizing your priorities, creating new habits, and trying harder. ‘Sins’ can be overcome. Sin is something else entirely.

To illustrate this I would like you to imagine a room that contains a trophy for each of your sins. There might be that big one that you struggle with on a daily basis, the one that that you have struggled with forever, and a trophy for that one that you used to be bound to, but now just creeps up every once in a while. These trophies have their own little alcove and backlighting and are the things that you think of when people mention sin. They are visible to you. They are the sins that that you hope desperately to overcome. The error is when you believe that these are the only trophies in the room. Because if the lights in the room are brought up, you will see that it is filled from floor to ceiling with every manner of trophy, big and small. You will find that the sins in front of you and obvious to your perception are just the tip of the iceberg. You will find in time that no matter how many of these sins you defeat, there is another stack to take their place.