“Oh, the depth of the riches and wisdom and knowledge of God! How unsearchable are his judgments and how inscrutable his ways! For who has known the mind of the Lord, or who has been his counselor? Or who has given a gift to him that he might be repaid? For from him and through him and to him are all things. To him be glory forever. Amen.” Romans 11.33-36

The parable we looked at Sunday gave us a clear picture of what happens when you find Jesus as the true treasure: sacrifice, worship, and value. When we see Jesus for who He is, we are reprioritized. I am reading a book that refers to this process as recapitulation (the opposite of decapitation), putting the head back on the body; returning Jesus to His rightful place as King. How do we find the treasure? What can we do to root our value in Christ?

Read | Theology gets a bad rap, because it as seen as something that divides the followers of Jesus. Most theologians are simply trying to make sense out of what they have found in Scripture. Don’t like to read point and counterpoint, schisms and one-upmanship; then just go straight to the source. Read your Bible and struggle with the truth of God’s Word. Then go find some theologians who can help you sort out what you have just read!

Pray | Prayer connects us to the work of God in the world. In prayer, we bring our cares and concerns before a loving Father and ask Him to reveal His work in the world to us. In prayer, we are able to see requests fulfilled, where we are not in line with God’s plan, and where we have continually overlooked His blessing.

Community | On Sunday, I made it clear that I struggle with recognizing the grace of God in my life. I too easily tend toward what ‘needs to be done.’ What helps me to fight this is the people around me. There are a few people specifically who I can’t walk away from without having a profound reminder of God’s goodness. FIND THESE PEOPLE. BE ONE OF THESE PEOPLE. The community of God should be the place where we are constantly confronted by His grace.

If Jesus is this treasure, it would be foolish for us to keep playing with Monopoly money. If Jesus is the treasure, we should be seeking Him recklessly. If Jesus is the treasure, then it will be worth it.