Pastoral Prayer Pastoral Prayer 4.5.2020

Pastoral Prayer 4.5.2020

Pastoral Prayer 4.5.2020 post thumbnail image

Thank you for your unchanging nature and character.

Thank you that you are merciful and gracious, slow to anger and abounding in steadfast love and faithfulness, that you forgive iniquity and transgression and sin, and that you are just.

Please use this discomfort and lack of felt control to teach people about yourself and your nature. 

But please enable us to be faithful to you and our calling during this time. 

Please help us as we attempt to cast our fears and anxieties on you.

Please give wisdom and prudence to our government leaders.

Please help those who have lost, or are in fear of losing income or businesses.

Please give help and stamina to teachers who have an additional burden of teaching remotely.

Please do the same for families whose burdens are heavier because their kids are not in physical classrooms, as usual.

Please enable those who work in the medical profession to care for patients and their families well. Please protect them and their families from harm.

Please help those whose important medical procedures have been postponed due to the pandemic. 

Please protect pregnant moms and their babies. And please comfort families who have lost children.

Please comfort and reveal yourself to those who struggle with anxiety. 

Please give hope and peace to those who struggle with depression.

Please provide for and protect those who are in danger in their own homes.

Please propel your people to use this time well, rather than simply passing the time in idleness or by being entertained. 

Please enable us to reach out to the lonely and relate to them.

Please give families grace and patience for each other as their rhythms are disrupted, and they spend more time with each other. 

Please strengthen the bonds between husbands and wives during this time.

Please give help, insight and humility to husbands and wives whose marriages are struggling, some very deeply.

Please enable them to apply the gospel to themselves as well as their spouses in times of anger and exasperation.

Please enable parents to love their children well.

Please help parents see how they can fulfill their roles, spend intentional time with their kids, and equip their kids to navigate their own hearts and the world around them.

Please enable kids to sleep well.

Please give additional stamina and joy to moms whose already heavy loads have been increased in this time of trouble and isolation. 

Please enable men to fight for sexual purity, especially during these times of increased stress, free time, and time in front of screens. 

Please continue to give our missionaries what they need, and may they see your new mercies every morning.

Please enable us to trust in your character and your inscrutable ways. 

Thank you that we have some hindsight regarding how you’ve worked through pain and crisis throughout history.

Please enable us to consider these many examples in your Word, and to take heart in them.

Thank you that your Spirit intercedes for us when we can’t even express ourselves. 

Thank you for the gospel and the anchor that it is for our souls. 

Thank you for the hope of all things being made new one day. Until then, please be with us and keep us.

In Jesus’ name, Amen.