Make a joyful noise to the LORD, all the earth!
Serve the LORD with gladness!
Come into his presence with singing!
Know that the LORD, he is God!
It is he who made us, and we are his;
we are his people, and the sheep of his pasture.
Enter his gates with thanksgiving,
and his courts with praise!
Give thanks to him; bless his name!
For the LORD is good;
his steadfast love endures forever,
and his faithfulness to all generations
. | Psalm 100

Did you thank God today for the good things He gave you? He gave you many good things.  He gives us many blessings every day.

He gave you people to love you and take care of you.  He gave us our home.  He gives us food—good food and all we need.  He gives us our clothes, warm clothes, maybe even pretty clothes.

Sometimes God sends sunshine.  Sometimes He sends rain.  Both sunshine and rain are good gifts. The snow is His good gift, too.  How pretty the snowflakes are!  And what fun we have playing in the snow!

God made the birds that sing for us.  He made flowers to bloom in our gardens, and in the woods, and everywhere along the roads.  He made the earth beautiful, to make us happy.

God makes the sun rise every morning.  Sometimes He paints the sky with beautiful colors when the sun goes down.  Oh, the earth is full of His good gifts.

When God made Adam and Eve, He put them in a beautiful garden.  There were many beautiful things in the garden to make them happy.  But Adam and Eve sinned, as you know.  They disobeyed God.  Then God might have said to them, “You do not deserve to have beautiful things.  I will take all the beautiful things away from you.”

 But God did not say that.

Oh, yes, He sent them out of the garden.  And He told them that they would have to work hard.  He said there would be weeds and thorns to bother them.  He told them they would have sadness and pain.  But He left many good and pleasant things for them, so that they could still be at least a little bit happy.  Oh, God was so good to them.  And God is good to us, too.  He gives us many things to make us happy.

Why does God give us so many good things?

Because God loves us.  Even though we still sin against Him every day, He loves us just the same.  We know He loves us, because He gives us these many things to make us happy and to make life pleasant.

When we think of all that He gives us, we want to love Him very, very much.  We want to thank Him and praise Him. He wants us to thank Him and praise Him.  He wants us to love Him.  He is pleased and happy when we love Him.

Something to Talk About

  1. Why should we be happy?
  2. What are some of God’s good gifts to us today?
  3. How can we praise Him for His goodness?

Memory Verse

I will be glad and exult in you;
I will sing praise to your name, O Most High.
| Psalm 9:2

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