For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life. For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but in order that the world might be saved through him. | John 3:16–17

Do you know when your life began?  Yes, it began when you were born.  Each year you have a birthday and then we think of the day you were born.  Mother remembers that day very well.  You were a tiny baby, a very dear little baby, then.

Jesus was born a tiny baby too.  But Jesus did not begin to live when He was born. Jesus lived long, long before that.  Jesus is God, and God has always lived.  Jesus,  the Son of God, lived in heaven, with God the Father and God the Holy Spirit, long, long before the earth was made.

You remember that the earth was all good and beautiful at first.  Adam and Eve were wonderful; they were made in God’s likeness.  But sin came and spoiled it all.  God felt sorry about the sorrow and trouble that came after that.  And God said, “We will send a Saviour.”  Jesus said, “I am willing to go down to earth and be the Saviour!”  the Holy Spirit made a body for Jesus.  And Jesus was born a little baby.  He was born in Bethlehem.

Oh, how the angels san that night – a great host of angels!  They were so glad that Jesus had gone down to earth.  They were glad because He went to be our Saviour.

What a change it was for Jesus, to come down from heaven to earth!  Heaven is full of glory.  There is no sickness there, nor sadness or sin.  But Jesus left His beautiful home, and His Father, and the wonderful angels, to come down to our sinful earth.

Jesus was rich in heaven; everything was His.  When He came to earth, He was poor.  He left all His riches and glory behind.  There was not even a house ready for Him on earth.  He was born in a stable.  And He did not have a bed.  His mother, Mary, laid Him in a manger.

Jesus was almighty in heaven.  He was Lord of heaven and earth, and Lord over the angels.  When He became a baby, He could not do anything at all!  Babies need a mother to take care of them.  Jesus was helpless, like all other babies.

Jesus became just like us, except that He had no sin in His heart as we have when we are born.

The story of Jesus’ birth is the most wonderful story in all the world, and the most wonderful story in heaven.  Just think of it – Jesus, the Son of God, became a baby!

He became a baby to be our Savior, because God loves us so much and wanted to save us.

Something to Talk About

  1. What was Jesus before He became a baby?
  2. Why did Jesus come to earth?
  3. What did He leave behind in heaven?

Memory Verse

For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life.| John 3.16

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