Bible study is about more than new insights

I used to work in the marketing department for a Bible software and Christian e-book company. In our efforts to “market” our products to people, we would often say things like, “Discover new biblical insights!” or “Go deeper in your Bible study!” And we used phrases...

Two cliffs

There are two common, yet equally-unbiblical views of how salvation works: legalism and cheap grace. Legalism says, “Everything is dependent on what I do. I must earn and keep up my salvation.” Cheap grace says, “It doesn’t matter what I do. I’m saved by grace so I...

J.I. Packer on substitute gospels

J.I Packer is a brilliant writer. Put him on the ever-important topic of clarifying the biblical gospel against its substitutes, and you get this: Without realizing it, we have during the past century bartered (the) gospel for a substitute product which, though it...

The polar bear vs. Penn Jillette

There was this great meme I saw recently that portrayed Christians who evangelize to a polar bear chasing a guy around his car. It’s funny because most of us have encountered Christians who want to “push their religion down your throat,” who...

Why preaching? Three reasons…

(This is the second in a series of posts explaining why we do what we do during our Sunday gatherings. See the opening post here.) Sunday services at Communion (and soon at Roots!) are intended to refocus and realign our lives to God’s story, his work to reconcile...