Mutual Submission

Mutual Submission

Look carefully then how you walk, not as unwise but as wise, making the best use of the time, because the days are evil. Therefore do not be foolish, but understand what the will of the Lord is. And do not get drunk with wine, for that is debauchery, but be filled...
Natural Wonder

Natural Wonder

Once we got to Livingstone, we got settled into our hotel. It was aimed at European travelers and named after a British sitcom: Fawlty Towers. I didn’t know what to expect since the hotel in the show was known for rude service, but it ended up being quite nice. ...
The Long Drive

The Long Drive

After a few days of ‘come and see’ and a week of teaching, we moved into the third aspect of the trip: taking the Huckabys away for a short trip. We felt like they needed to get out of Lusaka as a family and knew that if we sent them money for a vacation, they would...
Training Champs

Training Champs

On Thursdays, the Champs meet at the camp. Since we were there for two weeks, we got to be part of this twice: once as observers and once as contributors. The Champs program is a young adult discipleship program designed to prepare young people to be cabin leaders for...
It’s About the People

It’s About the People

One of the important aspects of the camp that I left out yesterday was the staff. To run a camp, and maintain the grounds, requires a group of people. The people who work with the Huckabys are not just those who put in resumes or popped up on They are...