Church Planting — 3Strand Series

Church Planting — 3Strand Series

In February, we posted a letter from the 3Strand churches on the issue of church planting. This is the theme of the year for our network; along with sending out a church planter, we also developed a sermon series on church planting. We will take a break from Proverbs to go through this for the next three weeks. As we do, different 3Strand pastors will be coming to preach and to share with you their own stories of church planting and replanting. Please give them a Communion Church welcome and get excited about how God may use us to advance His kingdom.

Church planting and God’s sovereignty
Derek Fekkes — Roots Church

Church planting and the believer
Patrick Edwards — Anchored Faith Church

Church planting and the Kingdom of God
Jim Fikkert — Communion Church