We hope you’ll join us at our next event, Bible study or get-together. Mark your calendar. Sign up. Join us in a time of fellowship.



KIDS Easter Choir

Practice March 9 thru April 13
Performance April 20
Practice Sundays after service
Performance during both Easter services

KIDS Easter Choir is for children ages 4 – 12. Our KIDS Easter Choir will perform at both services on Easter Sunday. Rehearsals will be each Sunday after church starting March 9th thru April 13th, meeting in the Fireside Room of the Sunday School Building. Please sign your kids up by emailing Shawna Borgman, thank you!

3.12 - 4.9 EQUIP CLASS

Drawing Near

DATE — March 12 thru April 9
TIME — Wednesdays 6-7:30p

In this five-week series we will reflect see what the Psalms have to teach us about prayer — how Jesus prayed and how the Christian tradition can help us pray better. See link for class details and to sign up for childcare.


Everyday Faithfulness
Day Retreat — March 29

Join us and the ladies of 3Strand Network churches for a daytime retreat on March 29 from 9a-5:30p at Pilchuck Glass School in Stanwood. See link for details and to sign up.



Baby Celebration

DATE — Sunday April 13
TIME — after service

Please join us as we celebrate Whitney Walsh and her upcoming baby boy as well as Rocio McClelland and her baby boy on the way. We will have a potluck salad bar lunch after church service on Sunday April 13 from 12-1:30p. Sign up below to bring part of the salad bar.


Good Friday Seder

DATE — Friday April 18
TIME — 6-8p
LOCATIONMount Vernon Christian School Commons
820 W Blackburn Rd. Mount Vernon, WA 98273

Jewish families have been celebrating the Passover every year since the Exodus. It is an event that was instituted by God to be a reminder of His goodness, power, and faithfulness to His people. It is centered around His promise from Exodus 6:

Say therefore to the people of Israel, ‘I am the Lord, and I will bring you out from under the burdens of the Egyptians, and I will deliver you from slavery to them, and I will redeem you with an outstretched arm and with great acts of judgment. I will take you to be my people, and I will be your God, and you shall know that I am the Lord your God, who has brought you out from under the burdens of the Egyptians. | Exodus 6.6-7

The elements of this meal are organized to both remember what God did in the Exodus and to prepare them for His redemption in the future. 

This year for Good Friday, we will be sharing this meal together and looking at how the Seder was completed as Jesus gave Himself as the Passover Lamb.

This is a family event, so we encourage you to bring your kids along. Please SIGN UP, so we know who is coming. Additionally, we need everyone who attends to bring a DISH to share. 

We are excited about gathering together to connect the parts of God’s story and to see how Jesus’ death was the fulfillment of that the Seder had always been about.


Easter Sunday

DATE — Sunday April 20
TIME — 9a & 11a

Join us as we celebrate our risen Savior! We will be having two Easter services at both 9a and 11a. The CommunionKIDS Choir will be singing at both services, and we will be sharing in a time of fellowship and cinnamon rolls between services. Come join us!


Men's Friday Morning Study


Join us bright and early Friday mornings at 6a at church for a time of fellowship and to work through a study together. We have been on break during our Wednesday evening study. Our Friday morning study will start back up March 7.

Youth Group Sundays


Our Youth Group meets every 1st and 3rd Sunday from 6-8p at church. This ministry serves kids aged 9 through grade 12. We gather together as one large group, for a time of worship, Bible video and teaching. Following this, we then break off into our respective age groups to discuss what was taught, followed by fun and freetime.



PO Box 215
Mount Vernon, WA 98273


1003 S 3rd St.
Mount Vernon, WA 98273


[email protected]


Sundays at 10a