Twice a year, we do a four-week series of Equip Classes, a ministry designed to equip the church with biblical wisdom on relevant topics. Starting Wednesday, March 8, we’ll be diving into the topic of marriage, using Tim Keller’s video series, The Meaning of Marriage: A Vision for Marriage and Single People, as our guide. We’ll talk about the purpose of marriage, the value of selfless service in marriage, biblical roles in marriage, and more. These classes are open to all, and have lots to offer whether you’re marriage, engaged, or single. See below for more details.

Equip Spring 2017 details:

  • Where: Meets in the basement of Communion Church.
  • When: Begins Wednesday, March 8 and lasts for four weeks. Potluck at 6 (sign-up here); session from 7-8
  • Childcare: Provided up to age 8, with 9-11 helping out with younger classrooms.
  • Cost: free!