When we get together, we worship God. We do this as a dramatic back and forth, allowing God to speak to us as we respond to Him. This is the liturgy we follow at Communion Church:
We Prepare
Life is busy. It can be difficult to go from busyness to being in the presence of an all-consuming God. We open with song, time of welcome, and verse to prepare our minds and hearts for what is to come.
We Confess
Our time together reminds us what we offer to God — our sin. And what Jesus offers to us — reconciliation. Confrontation by God causes two reactions: ultimate brokenness and ultimate joy. We find this through songs of redemption.
We Recognize
We Pray
We must be a people of prayer — reminding ourselves that we are nothing without Jesus. We must be praying for each other, both requests as well as confession. This gives us a time to come before God together on behalf of one another.
We Preach
God’s Word is life, and so this is where we spend our time. This is the portion of the service when we receive from God what He would have for us — expositing a text from the Bible — applying it to contemporary life.
We Commune
Upon hearing God’s Word, we react to who He is and what He has done. We do this by joining together in celebration of the oneness of God’s people with our savior Jesus Christ, who died to make us all His.
We Respond
In response to God’s Word, we praise Him. We spend time praising Him for what He has done, and what He continues to do in our lives through the work of the Holy Spirit. This includes giving back to Him through tithes and offerings.
We Receive
Finally, God gets the last word. We are sent out from this enriching experience of worship and time together with a blessing from God.

PO Box 215
Mount Vernon, WA 98273
1003 S 3rd St.
Mount Vernon, WA 98273