The Demand of a Sign

August 18, 2014


The Scribes and Pharisees ask for a sign.  In essence, they are asking for proof that Jesus is who He says He is—challenging His authority.  Even though Jesus has healed and even raised the dead at this point, skepticism remains. Skepticisms is what Jesus says marks his generation. Though Jesus refuses to give a sign, he promises to produce a future sign which will prove Him to be greater than Jonah and wiser than Solomon. He also warns those who are questioning Him about their impending judgment should not they not choose to listen to Him.  Through a parable, he cautions them about any attempt at a half-hearted response to His authority.  Any feigned repentance will only serve to make them twice the children of the devil they already were.  Jesus has no time for strangers, friends, or even family who make requests without making commitment.

Bible References

  • Matthew 12:38 - 50
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