EQUIP | changing times; unchanging God

EQUIP | changing times; unchanging God

As we grow up and age as a church we take on new tasks. Some of the things that took a lot of our time and energy in the early days of the church no longer do. Other issues that were previously not on the agenda are now priorities. This is what happens with the passage of time.

Our individual lives are similar. When you move from child to adult, you have to get used to a new set of responsibilities. Getting married and having kids ushers in different rhythms. Many in our church are going through these changes right now and could use some help navigating it. 

There are both theological and practical tools available. In this EQUIP series, we hope to provide both. We will look at what the Bible says about preparing for our future as we lean into the giftings that God has provided our church. Through these, we hope to invest in God’s kingdom work by being good stewards of the life that he has given to us.

LIFE TRANSITIONS (Matthew 10:26-31) — Debbie Licker

Life transitions are challenging because they force us to let go of the familiar and face the unknown. While we can try to space out these changes, sometimes we have no choice but to take them on. HOW we handle them matters.

RETIREMENT (Matthew 6:25-34) — Luke Mize

As Christians, retirement is not about stopping work, but recognizing the limitations of age. Planning for retirement is a way to honor aging by preparing to not be a burden on family and society.

ESTATE PLANNING (Luke 16:10-13) — Mike Winslow

The author of Ecclesiastes laments the process of leaving all that you have toiled for to the next generation. It doesn’t have to be this way. Thinking about your legacy allows you to steward what you have been given beyond your own lifetime.

MEDICAL ISSUES (2 Corinthians 5:1-5) — Seth Fikkert

When you are young, medical issues tend to be temporary distractions from health. As you age, there are more possibilities to be aware of. We need to prepare for these possibilities in both our own life and for those we love.