A New Rhythm #1

September 6, 2015


The way that Ecclesiastes is laid out gives us these recalibrations every few chapters; this is the first one. The intent is to shock us into disillusionment and then give us a well ordered solution to the problem of life. Here, the author steps back from declaring everything meaningless, to providing an order that makes everything meaningful. The existence of God makes sense of even the most painful earthly experiences; death is meaningless as a means to hope, but meaningful as entrance into eternity. In this we see that we must live appropriate lives; where our steps are in rhythm with the eternal plan of God. Even when we get off in this, it offers hope that there is a plan to return to. Our life is not to go around separating the world into good and evil, but working to arrange the pieces in the way God intended: He has made everything beautiful in its time.

Bible References

  • Ecclesiastes 3:1 - 15
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