The gospel creates a shift in our life. This shift is not only evident in the 180 degree changes (death to life, pursuit of sin to holiness); it also shows itself in priority changes. When we are presented with the profound eternal goodness of being in relationship with God, it changes how we look at all other relationships. Even the deepest relationships that we have take a back seat to our relationship with God; we become willing to stand for Jesus, even against our family if need be. We also see a priority shift in who we pursue relationship with. As Christians, our life is no longer about surrounding ourselves with people who give us what we want, but people who we can support (and who can support us) on the mission of bringing glory to God. The gospel does not just separate the world into good and bad things, but it gives us a means to be able to prioritize what is best, and to let all other things, even good things, submit to Jesus.
Bible References
- Matthew 10:34 - 11:1