Power in Proclamation

November 22, 2020


Proclaiming the gospel – whether publicly, from a platform, to a group or on our front porch, in a café, to our neighbor – must adopt Paul’s sources of power. Though we should preserve the sweetness of the gospel, we must not compromise it by making it palatable (whatever palatable might be). Our methods should reflect this as we humbly depend upon the Holy Spirit and the Scriptures, not on ourselves, our cleverness or gimmicks. False or true faith is at stake, and thus eternal life. The way that God has chosen to bring this life, while seemingly weak and foolish to the world, reveals His great power. He is going to do the work of rescuing His people without all of the tools we assume are necessary from our earthly perspective.

Bible References

  • 1 Corinthians 1:18 - 2:5
Communion Church meets Sundays at 10a