The Reaction to Jesus

September 14, 2014


And they took offense at him. But Jesus said to them, ‘A prophet is not without honor except in his hometown and in his own household. And he did not do many mighty works there, because of their unbelief. (V.57-58)

For most of his life, Jesus worked and lived in Nazareth. Throughout His ministry, Jesus made his home in Capernaum, but Nazareth was always his hometown. At about the age of 30, Jesus had left to begin his ministry. In a very short time, Jesus had become “famous” throughout the Holy Land. Now, he returned home to bless those who knew Him best. They were astonished by His wisdom and power — the “Carpenter’s Son” had grown up. But instead a parade of appreciation to honor their Home-town hero, Jesus was met with a pageant of opposition. His teaching elicited admiration, but their interest in Jesus never extended beyond the flesh. Their knowledge of his youth proved to be a stumbling-block to their faith.

His fellow-villagers, even His own family, refused to receive Him as a prophet because they had known Him as an impoverished uneducated carpenter with brothers and sisters. In their own way, they discriminated against a prophet that didn’t meet their expectations. Jesus was unable to minister to hometown, not for a lack of power, but a lack of belief.

Bible References

  • Matthew 13:53 - 58
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